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Record number: 1

System number: 003196445

PT Book

MT Nature and agriculture in the European union : new perspectives on policies that shape the European countryside /

CT Current issues in ecological economics

PL Northampton, MA :

PB Edward Elgar Pub.,

DP 2002.

PH xv, 299 p. : ill., map ; 25 cm.

LO UC Berkeley Biosci HD1917 .N38 2002 UCB

Record number: 2

System number: 025382480

PT Book

MT Sustaining agriculture and the rural environment : governance, policy, and multifunctionality /

CT Advances in ecological economics

PL Cheltenham, UK ;PL Northampton, MA :

PB Edward Elgar,

DP c2004.

PH xi, 360 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

LO UC Berkeley Biosci HD1415 .S87 2004 UCB

Record number: 3

System number: 006584991

PT Book

PT Online

AU Stimson, R. J. (Robert John)

MT Regional economic development : analysis and planning strategy /

CT Advances in spatial science

PL Berlin ;PL New York :

PB Springer,

DP c2002.

PH viii, 397 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.

LO UC Berkeley AVAILABLE ONLINE Table of contents UCB

UC Berkeley EnvDesign HT391 .S674 2002 UCB

Record number: 4

System number: 012540098

PT Book

AU Bryant, C. R.

MT Agriculture in the city's countryside /

PL London :

PB Belhaven Press,

DP c1992.

PH xiii, 233 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

LO UC Berkeley Biosci S494.5.G46 B78 1992 UCB

Record number: 5

System number: 015062387

PT Book

AU Van der Ryn, Sim.

MT Sustainable communities : a new design synthesis for cities, suburbs, and towns /

PL San Francisco :

PB Sierra Club Books,

DP 1986.

PH xvii, 238 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

LO UC Berkeley EnvDesign HN90.C6 V361 1986 *c3 copies UCB

UC Berkeley Moffitt HN90.C6 V36 1986 UCB

UC Berkeley Bancroft HN90.C6 V36 1986 Contact Bancroft Library for availability Bancroft Library has hardbound copy UCB

Record number: 6

System number: 026172482

PT Book

PT Computer file

PT Government document

PT Online

AU Lawson, Laura J.,

MT City bountiful a century of community gardening in America /

PL Berkeley :

PB University of California Press,

DP c2005

PH xix, 363 p. : ill., plans

LO UC Berkeley EnvDesign SB457.3 .L39 2005 UCB

UC Berkeley Moffitt SB457.3 .L39 2005 UCB

UC Berkeley Biosci Ordered for Bioscience UCB

Record number: 7

System number: 008926579

PT Conference

PT Book

MT Sustaining agriculture near cities /

PL Ankeny, Iowa :

PB Soil and Water Conservation Society,

DP c1987.

PH xxii, 295 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

LO UC Berkeley Biosci S494.5.U72 S871 1987 UCB

UC Berkeley EnvDesign S494.5.U72 S871 1987 UCB

Record number: 8

System number: 002153917

PT Book

AU Daniels, Thomas L.

MT When city and country collide : managing growth in the metropolitan fringe /

PL Washington, D.C. :

PB Island Press,

DP c1999.

PH xvi, 361 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.

LO UC Berkeley EnvDesign HT334.U5 D35 1999 *c2 copies UCB

Record number: 1

System number: 000731492

PT Book

MT Contested countryside : the rural urban fringe in North America /

CT Perspectives on rural policy and planning

PL Aldershot :

PB Ashgate,

DP c1999

PH xi, 291 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm

LO UC Berkeley EnvDesign HT392 .C647 1999 UCB


Record number: 2

System number: 004447857

PT Journal

CA Northeastern Agricultural Economics Council (U.S.)

MT Journal of the Northeastern Agricultural Economics Council.

PL [Morgantown, W. Va., etc.]

PB Northeastern Agricultural Economics Council.

PH v. 28 cm.

LO UC Davis AgResEcon HD1773 A2 N6 V.1-13, NO.1, SUMMER 1972-APRIL 1984 UCD

Record number: 3

System number: 025031719

PT Book

AU Nelson, Arthur C.

MT Urban containment in the United States : history, models and techniques for regional and metropolitan growth management /

CT PAS report ; no. 520

PL Chicago, Ill. :

PB American Planning Association,

DP c2004.

PH ix, 130 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

LO UC Berkeley EnvDesign HT392 .N43 2004 UCB

Record number: 4

System number: 002059356

PT Book

AU Howard, Ebenezer, Sir,

MT Garden cities of to-morrow,

PL London,

PB Faber and Faber ltd

DP 1945

PH 168 p. illus. (maps, plan) plates, ports., facsim., diagrs. 19 cm.

LO UC Berkeley EnvDesign HD7573.A3 H7 1946 *c3 copies UCB

Record number: 5

System number: 000447098

PT Book

PT Online

MT Reflections on regionalism / Bruce Katz, editor ; foreword by Al Gore

PL Washington, D.C. :

PB Brookings Institution Press,

DP c2000

PH x, 290 p. ; 23 cm

LO UC Berkeley IGS 00 00553 UCB

UC Berkeley EnvDesign HT392 .R38 2000 UCB

Record number: 6

System number: 002510317

PT Book

MT From garden city to green city : the legacy of Ebenezer Howard /

CT Center books on contemporary landscape design

PL Baltimore :

PB Johns Hopkins University Press,

DP 2002.

PH xiv, 288 p. : ill., maps, plans ; 24 cm.

LO UC Berkeley EnvDesign HT161 .F76 2002 UCB

Record number: 7

System number: 008863429

PT Book

AU Berry, Wendell,

MT The unsettling of America : culture & agriculture /

ED Rev. reprint.

PL San Francisco :PL Great Britain :

PB Sierra Club Books,

DP c1997.

PH ix, 234 p. ; 21 cm.

LO UC Berkeley Moffitt HD1761 .B47 1997 UCB

Record number: 8

System number: 014498091

PT Book

MT Investing in the future of agriculture : the Massachusetts farmland protection program and the permanence syndrome /

PL Washington, DC :

PB American Farmland Trust,

DP c1998

PH iii, 72 p. : ill. ; 28 cm

LO UC Berkeley IGS 99 00142 UCB

Record number: 9

System number: 016790426

PT Book

AU Freedgood, Julia.

MT Cost of community services studies : making the case for conservation /

PL Washington, DC :

PB American Farmland Trust,

DP c2002.

PH iv, 78 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

LO UC Berkeley IGS 2003 0169 UCB

Record number: 10

System number: 012030633

PT Book

AU Shuman, Michael.

MT Going local : creating self-reliant communities in a global age /

ED 1st Routledge paperback ed.

PL New York :

PB Routledge,

DP 2000.

PH xiv, 318 p. ; 25 cm.

LO UC Berkeley Moffitt HC110.E5 S49 2000 UCB

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